Help The Kids In Your Community

Kids Deserve The Best

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Hi everyone, this is to inform you of a very important gesture of live and this this giving back to the poor, people loose look for happiness but have failed to find it yet it's inform of them, the gesture of giving  to the reader,
What have you done for your community? What do you do with the old clothes? or the left over food yet there are people in the community who could use it and it could save them a day .

Do you love kids

it's about children;
  • They really need food.
  • They need to be clothed
  • They need Education
  • They need shelter

  • Teachers who can help them read and write, cause they are in universe primary education a scheme by the government of Uganda but they really know nothing, so i would request we join hands and help them by teaching them cause that is a mark in their lives, cause some of their parents can;t afford school fees to send them to school and a few kilograms of maize flour to cook for them porridge, i therefore request that that anyone touched should contact me for details and a plan .
    they need clothings, and books, texts books and story books to learn how to read


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