African heritage and traditions part1

Which Generation Are You In The Family Tree

If you went to the streets of your city and asked youths Which Generation Are You In The Family Tree many could not have a slight idea. But what is the cause of this? well i could say we don't have a writing and a reading culture Hertiage is like orign or a birth rite one gets when brought to this world.

Before missionaries coming to Africa,there was God and Africans had their way of worship which was through devinities who interceded on their behalf.

What Kind Of God Did Africans Worship

Each clan or tribe had it's gods and they were championed by the ancestors who lived in the first generations but their spirit or ghost came back among the clan to help settle the problems like diseases,poverty & their well being. Some of the small gods where;

  • Twins
  • god of the sun
  • god of the rains
  • god of death
These gods where appeased through scarifies to them and in different months of the year, like when the community was to plant they first offered a sacrifice so their plants weren't destroyed by sunshine or heavy rains and they had a good harvest
But for the ancestors to start work, scarifices to the different devinities were offered.
Will continue ....


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