When people receive money, they undergo a change.

When people receive money, they undergo a change
Courtesy of unsplash

Do you Miss Your Friend Who Changed cause They Received Money

You probably have that close friend who you used to be able to share everything with, but lately they don't have time for you and their circle of friends has changed. This has happened to a lot of people, and it is upsetting.

Do you know the saying, "Not every workmate is your friend, just do your work and go home?" You may have that one coworker with whom you were extremely close, but they never call, text, or even post on social media. You sit down and think about them.

Well, that's the way things are, but African culture emphasizes friendship and community. White people have a "every man for himself" mentality, but in Africa, we are a community.

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So What Can We Do To Keep The Togetherness with workmates.

Limit your sharing.

  • Talking about the weekend's plans or the reality TV show you watched the night before is okay, but venting about job troubles or the shortcomings of your employer could cause issues.
"Friends from the workplace might not be as dependable as friends from the outside,"

Regard your dynamics with reality.

  • Be aware that forming a friendship at work won't be the same as doing it outside of the workplace. Expecting your coworker to be your most important confidant is unrealistic.
"You will enjoy the camaraderie without the strings when you can discern between these types of connections and embrace the beauty of having cordial friendships at work,"

Set limitations.

  • Boundaries are crucial in work friendships. It’s fine to socialize with your co-workers, but your relationships shouldn’t hinder your performance.
“Make sure that your work friend realizes that even if you are super chummy while out to eat, once you are back in the office, it is business as usual

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Do not disparage your boss.

  • Although it might be quite tempting, talking trash about your boss could hinder your professional objectives, cause someone to portray you negatively, or even cost you your job. Many jobs may need you to complain about your supervisor on occasion, but you must know when to stop and be careful about who you talk to and what you say. Your so-called coworkers may be attempting to manipulate you into saying anything unfavorable so they can get promoted ahead of you.

Don't allow them to exploit you.

Never let someone take advantage of you. Some of your coworkers might be wanting a real relationship and connection, while others might just be searching for someone to handle the lion's share of their workload or to step in and correct them when they mess up. You need to cease this one-sided interaction right away if someone is continually requesting favors from you at work but you are unable to reciprocate.

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